Here is a schematic diagram of the Mon Bouton water system, based on the parts list that a board member obtained from one of our contacts on 1/17/2011.
This quote calls for a Dankoff Solar Force Pump #3020-24 capable of pumping "1,200 gpd with 5 peak sun hours and 220’ of head." Here is drawn a "processed water" tank with Bill Farrar's Fountains of Hope recirculating electrolytic chlorine purifier (however, I have some questions about this).
The critical unknowns are: (1) volume available at source, (2) height of pump above source, (3) height or pressure head from pump to storage tank, (4) length of pipe,
(5) diameter of pipe, (6) volume needed for domestic use (any excess to be used for irrigation, avoiding the need for a shut-off float valve in the storage tank).
ABOUT US: Ours is a (very!) small local NGO "If Pigs Could Fly -
Helping Hillside Haiti"
. We are
planning to send a solar-pumped water supply system to the region of
Mon Bouton (not a town or even village, just a cluster of homes near
La Tournelle 3 hours walk up a dirt trail from the nearest road).
The objective is to reduce the time women have to spend fetching
water in buckets on their heads.
This is not a request for funds! Here's what we need:
We need to get height and distance measurements - and we are hoping through FB to connect with some boots and troops on the ground to collaborate with Elisee Abraham (our CEO - Chief Eternal Optimist) - up in the mountain zone and get us these details. Elisee (Toma) has told us that there are at least 3 possible sites for the pump.
Before sending anything, we are going to make sure it works, and has the
needed capacity - we will be piloting the apparatus here in northern California.
Please get in touch with us here or on FB? Thanks!
Randy Mont-Reynaud
Elisee Abraham
and board of If Pigs Could Fly Haiti!