Marriott builds a new lux hotel - chapo ba! It will mean 200 jobs for folks in the city with skills and connections.
And Petionville gets a new hotel as well:
Meanwhile back at the ranch, er, lakou in the hurricane-ravaged mountains, our folks degaje as best they can to replace roofing tin. Old rusty tin, plaited banane leaves, torn canvas, old clothes, you name it...
We're trying to get roofing tin to repair a few homes - at least, keep the rain out. We're not aiming to completely rebuild - that would be nice - but just get keep it dry for a while, as we degaje for the rest.
Ten bucks, the price of a dinner out, from all our fans will help do this. Honest.
Raise the Roof! And never mind Petionville's new Royal Oasis.
Miami Herald Reports New Luxury Hotel: Royal Oasis